Pandemic and post-pandemic new world order; sustainability and changes in the international trade

  • Impacts of the post-pandemic supply and demand shocks on the global value chain and transformations in the foreign trade
  • Circular economy in responding to the pandemic crisis and its impact on the international trade
  • Global foreign trade within the scope of the pandemic crisis and protective policies
  • Impacts of the global trade that has changed with the pandemic on the environmental, agricultural and healthcare policies
  • Impacts of the European Green Deal’s regulations on nutrition, healthcare and food on the Turkey-European Union foreign trade

New world order; new trade alliances with the emergence of geopolitical and regional associations

  • Economic relations in the changing foreign trade,
  • Interaction between the changing international relations and the foreign trade,
  • Trade wars and/or new protectionism models,
  • Co-investment, commercial and investment partnership, development of a common infrastructure, common use methods,
  • Market surveillance and control around protectionism and tax policies,
  • Tendencies in the world trade towards globalization or regionalization or merger with local neighbors,
  • Attaching importance and common use of the new world order, joint production and technology centers, use of a common database and educated labor and value-added labor force,
  • Enhancement and improvement of transnational bilateral free trade agreements
  • Impacts of the new international partnerships and sharing on the political and social structure
  • Impact of changes to be applied to the Customs Union on the global trade
  • Amendments in the transpacific agreements

Digital system applications; transformation of technology and the foreign trade policies

  • Digital Applications in the International Trade
  • Sustainable national and regional private development and industrialization objectives
  • Impacts of Industry 4.0 and internet, artificial intelligence, intelligent robots and big data applications on the international trade
  • Impacts of transition, from production to innovation and high technology (Industry 5.0)

Supply chain; change of direction and the future

  • Global and regional integrations: inter-modal transportation, supply chain, regional or local common storage, logistics centers (sense of storage, inventory management)
  • Obor Project
  • Safe transportation, storage and distribution network utilized by globalization in the fight against the pandemic
  • Expulsion of the common supply chain out of the political boundaries and leaving its control the UN for common use,
  • Impacts of the global and regional logistics centers on the globalization
  • Impact of the close supply expectation on the supply chain
  • Impact of Turkey’s position and its standing in the Middle East and the Northern Africa or the Balkans and Caucasus on the trade
  • Impact of protectionism and prevention on the supply chain security

Modellings in the customs systems

  • Taxation of the electronics import and export, micro export and e-trade
  • New customs modellings: declaration through low-cost customs modellings, on-site customs clearance, exchange, dealing, common use and similar registrations, co-management, single window, one-stop, authorized liability system
  • E-trade: production centers, storage, transportation, taxation
  • Developments in the customs procedures and customs disputes
  • Transparency in the customs procedures and common data sharing
  • Analysis of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement in terms of the customs practices

Taxation and the international law

  • Changes that occured within the framework of global trade and its impacts on the international law
  • Incentive and customs policies to be applied in the fight against the pandemic
  • Crisis management in the sectors affected by the pandemic; risk factors, company budgets, investment financing budget, government incentives
  • Impacts of the new risk factors on the company decisions,
  • International taxation problems and solution offers
  • New approaches to internal taxes and foreign trade taxes
  • International taxation problems caused by digitalization and solutions thereto

 Political and demographic changes; changes in structure and labor force

  • Political and social interactions with the changing economic relations
  • Personal habits that have changed with the emergence of the pandemic and its impacts on welfare and lifestyle
  • Post-pandemic nutrition-oriented Food Safety, Agricultural Policy and Foreign Trade Relation
  • Rapid and welfare-oriented crisis management within the context of sectors
  • Turkey’s new position in the Middle East, Balkans and Caucasus, within the scope of the International Trade
  • Common Food procurement and supply, as well as safety
  • Common Agricultural and Healthcare Policies
  • Dominance of the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the World Customs Organization and the World Health Organization over political orientations
  • Job loss that occurred upon orientation towards educated labor force and impact of new jobs on trade,
  • Impact of welfare-migration on trade
  • Political and commercial impacts of the democratic elections of the unemployed
  • Impacts of the remuneration of the young and uneducated unemployed on trade
  • Impacts of the climate change and the aging population on the international trade
  • Impacts of the Green Deal on the developing countries and their trades
  • Impacts of food safety on the international agricultural trade